These Terms of Use are provided by Dedienne Aerospace SAS having its registered office at 5, rue Gaye Marie, 31 300 Toulouse, France with a capital of 2,904,000€, registered with the Trade and Companies Registry of Toulouse, France under no. 560 801 706 located at, Place de la Bourse, BP 701 31 068 Toulouse Cedex 7.

To contact us please use the following email address: accueil@dedienne-aero.com or by phone +33 5 61 06 34 66

The director of publication is communication department.

The hosting provide is OVH, whose registered office is located 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France. Website : www.ovh.com


1. Use of the website

These Terms of Use provide the legal framework governing access to and use of the website nacelletooling.com and its services.

By accessing the Dedienne Aerospace nacelletooling.com or by using any of its applications, you agree to be bound automatically by these Terms of Use.

Editor of the website, called « Editor»,

And anyone wishing to access to the website and its services, called « User ».

Editor keeps the right to modify at any time and without notice these terms of service.


You agree that the website Editor reserves the right to modify or discontinue provision of this website and its services, and to remove the data you provide, either temporarily or permanently, at any time, without notice and without any liability towards you.


2. Access to services

As a user of the website nacelletooling.com you have the necessary skills and means to access to the following services:

  • Information about company, its services and products
  • Contact form
  • Subscription to the newsletter
  • Job offer


Any user having access to the internet can access for free and from anywhere to the website.

Access fees (related to internet connection, hardware, etc.) are not the Editor’s responsibility.

Website and its services can be interrupted or suspended by the Editor, especially for maintenance, without any obligation of advance notice or justification.

3. Your responsibilities called « Used »

In order to use the website, you assume the full responsibility of the use made of information and content of the website nacelletooling.com. You could be held liable for disrespect of these Terms of Use.

You undertake to behave in accordance with the Terms of Use.

You agree that you use of the website at your sole risk. Editor shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your use of this website or content on the website.

No commercial purposes are provided by you without the prior written consent of Dedienne Aerospace. The website is provided only for private and noncommercial purposes.

4. Editor’s responsibility

We are not liable for any damages or harm resulting from access to the website.

Website’s responsibility cannot be committed in case of force majeure or the unpredictable and insurmountable fact of a third.

The Editor undertakes to implement all the necessary means to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

He ensures the accuracy and timeliness of information posted on the website. You shall be responsible for backing up your own system including any content downloaded through the website. The Editor cannot be held liable for accuracy and cannot ensure that all elements on the website meet your expectations.


The Editor reserves the right to correct or modify the content of the website at any time without notice. He may also make the site inaccessible at all time, but cannot warrant that the service will be continuous or without defect in order to maintain it.

He disclaims all liability for damages resulting from the modification of the information on the website, as well as fraudulent manipulation by a third party.

5. Dedienne Aerospace Proprietary Rights

The website nacelletooling.com, its content including without limitation (such as logos, text, graphics, videos, etc) are the property of Dedienne Aerospace and are fully subject to French law on copyright in general under the Intellectual Property Code.

Editor expressly prohibits any re-use, reproduction or extraction.

The User shall be held liable for any such reproduction, modification, or distortion of all or part of the website or its contents without the prior express written authorization of Dedienne Aerospace is strictly forbidden.

Any commercial use is prohibited and might constitute an infringement.

6. Data protection and Privacy

Protection of personal data provided by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, n°2016/679) and French Data protection act.

Personal data collected on this website are the IP addresses, date, time and pages viewed. If you send a contact form, you provide your name, first name, email address, phone number and the name of the company.

Data will be processed by Dedienne Aerospace. For any question, you can reach the DPO at the following address: dpo@dedienne-aero.com


Personal data collected in order to develop statistics, allows a better navigation on the website, safeguard the user’s choice of language, measure the audience, prevent and deal with technical incidents, and communicate with the company via the contact form.

Information automatically collected are the IP address, date, time and pages viewed.

The legal basis of these treatments is the legitimate interest of the data controller, which is the measurement of audience, the prevention and treatment of technical incidents, the optimization of navigation.

The processing related to cookies accepted by the person concerned and the contact form, the legal basis of treatment is the consent of the person.


Any personal information is kept for a year from any form, until you unsubscribe from our newsletter if it has been granted and up to 13 months for others.

The website is not intended to receive any confidential information.

Datas can be transfert to third states.

You may request to access to your personal data, your right to data portability, your right to correct your Personal data or the right to be forgotten, or stop the processing of your data.

Refer to the Data Protection Officer who is available for enquiries or complaints at the following address: dpo@dedienne-aero.com or you can write to the address below:

Dedienne Aerospace

To the attention of the DPO

5, rue Gaye Marie

31300 Toulouse


You might also withdraw consent at any time by following the instructions provided in the application process without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on this basis before the withdrawal therefor.

In case of dispute, the user may contact the DPO at the address indicated below. If no amicable solution can be reached, the user may lodge a complaint with the superior authority.

7. Cookies

By clicking on « I agree » in the cookies banner, you have expressly authorized the deposit of cookies related to your activities on the website. Otherwise if you prefer not to allow cookies you will still be able to browse through the website nacelletooling.com by consulting a new page constitutes an implicit acceptance of cookies.


These are used to develop statistics, allow better navigation on the website, save the user’s choice of language, measure the audience, prevent and handle technical incidents.

Are not subject to the consent of the user :

–              Session cookies

–              Audience measurement

–              Deposit of cookies

–              Cookies generated by the host

These data are collected in order to develop statistics, allow a better navigation on the website, safeguard the user’s choice of language, measure the audience, prevent and deal with technical incidents and communicate with the company via the contact form.

These data are mandatory and are kept for a maximum of 13 months. You can also oppose and delete them using the settings of your browser, however your experience on nacelletooling.com could be degraded.

8. Hypertext links

The domains to which hypertext links lead on the website do not engage the responsibility of the editor, which has not control over these links.

It is possible for a third party to create a link to a page of the website nacelletooling.com without express permission of the publisher, in which case he is not responsible.

9. Scope of the contract

The term of the contract continue as long as the website nacelletooling.com.

The contract shall enter into force from the beginning of the use of the service.

This contract applies to the entire content of the website nacelletooling.com

10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

This contract is governed by French law.

In case of unresolved dispute between the User and the Editor, Courts in Toulouse are competent to settle the dispute.